The maiden offer of Antony Waste Handling Cell will open on the last week of December. The three days IPO subscription window will remain open for investors between December 21-23, 2020. The Rs 300 crores IPO is the seventeenth IPO of FY2020-21.
Antony Waste is a strong player in the municipal solid waste management segment with the end-to-end capability to manage solid waste – collection, processing, transportation, and disposal. The company also owns the largest single location solid waste management plant in Asia with a capacity of handling 6500 tonnes of solid waste a day.
For interested investors, here are the details of Antony Waste IPO offer.
Company Detail And Strength
The company is a prominent player in the domain of waste management. Since 2001, it has undertaken 25 projects; 18 are ongoing. The company works closely with municipal corporations of grater Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane, and New Okhla Industrial Development Authority, and Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA).
Company Strength
IPO Offer Details
Antony Waste tried to launch an IPO at a lower price band in March 2020, but the offer couldn’t take off following weak response from investors amid rising cases of COVID-19 in the country. The company filed again with SEBI in September, this time with Rs 300 crores IPO at a higher price band.
Probably the recent investors’ reaction to IPO offers and bumper subscription in companies like Burger King, Gland Pharma, and Chemcon has boosted the confidence of Antony Waste’s promoters to take a second chance with IPO filing.
Following the company’s announcement to launch IPO, shares rallied in the grey market to sell 12.4 percent premium at Rs 354.
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Published on: Dec 19, 2020, 10:00 AM IST
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