India’s only institutionally managed REIT, Brookfield India REIT IPO worth Rs 3,800 crores will be the fifth IPO of the year. The two days bidding window will remain open from February 3 to 5, 2021. Investors planning to subscribe for the offer find the details regarding it below.
Once we have learned the details regarding Brookfield India REIT IPO, let’s look at the company’s financials, which will help us decide if it is a good investment option.
In 2020, the company reported a profit of Rs 15.12 crores against a loss of Rs 15.75 crores the year before, clocking a 5.54 percent increase in its income to Rs 981.40 crore. As in 2020, the REIT has 14.0 msf office space in its product portfolio, with 10.3 msf completed area, 0.1 msf under construction, and 3.7 msf in future development.
The REIT has four completed office campuses in Mumbai, Noida, Gurugram, and Kolkata with 92 percent occupancy and multinational clients like Barclays, Bank of America Continuum, RBS, TCS, Cognizant, and Accenture.
There is some doubt in the market regarding the performance of commercial office space with the rise in work from home culture. However, the asset management company assured that there is no data to suggest that the work from home culture will dampen the demand for commercial office spaces in India. So far, the two REITs registered in the exchanges, Embassy and Mindspace have generated attractive returns for investors.
Brookfield India REIT IPO launch indicates the issuer’s confidence in the long-term success of the commercial office segment; confirms India’s ability to attract global institutional capital to the Indian real estate space.
REIT shares can help in creating an alternative source of income for investors. Hence, Brookfield India REIT IPO will attract investors with a long-term plan and moderate risk-return expectation.
Published on: Feb 2, 2021, 10:00 AM IST
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