After the IPO was subscribed 3.49 times, IRFC announced the final allotment status of shares on January 27, 2021. Investors who have applied for the issue can check their status online on the registrar’s website or the BSE web portal. The refund process will also start on the same day, and investors will receive the shares on their Demat account on Thursday, January 28. The issue will make a listing debut on January 29, 2021.
IRFC IPO was the first initial public offering of the new year opened for subscription on January 18, 2021. The initial offer size of 124.75 crores received a bid for over 435.32 crore shares. The QIB segment received a subscription of 3.78 times, whereas non-institutional investors and retail investors were subscribed for 2.67 and 3.66 times. According to the reports published by NSE exchange, the employee segment received subscription for a whopping 43.76 times.
Nevertheless, investors can check their allotment status on Kfin Technologies’website to check if they have received the shares. Here is the process to do it.
A registrar of a public issue is the prime body that undertakes and monitors the process of allocation, refund, and delivery of shares to investors. They are independent financial institutions registered with SEBI and stock exchanges. To manage their public offer, IRFC appointed Kfin Technologies.
The registrar will publish the final list of investors on their website. The same list will get uploaded in the BSE and Depository Participant’s portals. If you have applied through stockbroking firms like Angel One, you’ll also receive an email confirmation from your broker.
Here is how you can check the status of your application in Kfin’s portal.
Alternatively, you can check IRFC IPO allotment status on BSE’s website.
In a pre-IPO placement of shares, the company raised Rs 1,390 crores from anchor investors. The primary objective was to create an ‘extra-budgetary resources’ to meet fund requirements arising in the future.
IRFC is the borrowing arm of the Indian Railways registered as a PSU NBFC with RBI. In 2017, the Union government approved disinvestment of five railway companies, including IRFC, and it is the last one to go public.
Now the finalisation of the allocation process is complete investors waiting for an update on IRFC IPO allocation status.
Published on: Jan 27, 2021, 10:00 AM IST
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