Tarsons Products has filed preliminary papers with the Securities and Exchange Board of India to float its initial public offering. As per the DRHP, its public issue will comprise a fresh issue worth Rs. 150 crores along with a secondary issue of 1.32 crore equity shares. Promoters Sanjive Sehgal and Rohan Sehgal will be divesting 3.9 lakh and 3.1 lakh shares, respectively, via an offer for sale. Moreover, Clear Vision Investment Holdings Pte will offload a maximum of 1.25 crore shares.
The company is considering a pre-IPO placement of Rs. 30 crores before filing its Red Herring Prospectus. In case it completes this private placement, the size of its fresh issue will reduce. There are more details in relation to this upcoming IPO that investors need to know. But before we check them, let’s get to know about this company.
Incorporated in 1983, Tarsons Products is one of the leading life sciences companies in India. It is engaged in the production of high-quality labware products, which plays a vital role in improving healthcare and scientific discovery. Moreover, it manufactures and markets benchtop equipment, consumables, etc.
Some of its noteworthy customers include National Centre for Biological Sciences, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories and Dr Lal Path Labs. This Kolkata-based company has a multifaceted portfolio of products. It had 300 products and more than 1,700 stock-keeping units (SKUs) as of March 2021.
Remember these crucial details ahead of Tarsons Products’s initial public offering:
The company aims to fulfil these objectives by raising funds via its initial share sale:
The company has not yet disclosed all details regarding its forthcoming IPO. We’ll update the information once Tarsons Products reveals the same.
Before subscribing to this public issue, it is vital for investors to take several factors into account, such as the company’s strengths and financials.
Here are some strengths of Tarsons Products that makes its IPO enticing for investors:
Now let’s take a look at some key financial figures of this company.
This tabular representation offers an insight into the company’s financial position:
Financial Year | Total Assets (Rs.) | Total Revenue (Rs.) | Profit After Tax (Rs.) |
2021 | 2,959.5 million | 2,342.9 million | 688.7 million |
2020 | 2,487.06 million | 1,800.54 million | 405.3 million |
2019 | 2,119.58 million | 1,847.19 million | 389.5 million |
Tarsons Products has managed to establish a strong brand presence in the domestic market. Its customer base includes reputed academic institutions and research organisations. Moreover, the company also has a strong presence across the diagnostics and pharmaceutical sectors. Accordingly, Tarson Products is well-placed in the industry.
Overall, the outlook for Tarson Products appears to be positive, especially considering the tremendous growth potential of the plastic laboratory ware industry. Hence, investors might want to apply for this IPO. However, they must make sure to consider other factors, such as the weaknesses and threats in relation to the company, before placing the IPO order.
ICICI Securities, SBI Capital Markets and ICICI Securities are merchant bankers for the upcoming initial public offering of Tarsons Products.
Individuals can check Tarsons Products IPO allotment status via Angel One’s online platform or BSE’s official website.
One can place Tarson Products IPO order by opening a DEMAT account with Angel One. That said, existing clients can log in to their web trading account and book shares without any hassle.
Published on: Aug 13, 2021, 12:02 AM IST
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