Tamil Nadu recently hosted the two-day “World Investors Meet 2024” to showcase the state as an attractive investment destination and bring in new projects. The event was inaugurated by Honorable Chief Minister Thiru M.K. Stalin at the Chennai Trade Center.
In his inaugural address, the Chief Minister emphasized Tamil Nadu’s excellent industrial climate and resilience. He stated that the state has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with leading companies, launched completed projects, and laid foundations for upcoming ventures.
Major MoUs were signed with global giants like Tata, Pegatron, TVS Group, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, JSW, Ashok Leyland and others. The Chief Minister also released the state’s electronics hardware manufacturing policy for 2024 and an action plan to attract $1 trillion in investments.
The event saw the inauguration of completed projects of companies like Qualcomm and First Solar. The Honorable Chief Minister also laid the foundation stone for HCL Technologies‘ upcoming project. Several top executives from global companies attended the launch.
The World Investors Meet was organized around the themes of leadership, sustainability and inclusivity to highlight Tamil Nadu as a leading investment hub. The state showcased its robust industrial climate, infrastructure, and skilled workforce. A special ‘Buyer-Seller Meet’ provided a platform for MSMEs to connect with customers.
The meet saw participation from 9 countries including the USA, UK, Japan, Australia, France, Germany, Denmark, Singapore and South Korea. West Australia and Taiwan External Trade Development Council also partnered with the Tamil Nadu government.
The grand event served as an ideal platform for the state to showcase its strengths and connect with global business leaders and investors. With several MoUs already signed, the World Investors Meet will boost industrial development and attract substantial new investments into Tamil Nadu.
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