One of the most popular measures of valuations in the stock markets is the P/E ratio or the Price / Earnings ratio. It essentially measures what the market is willing to pay for every rupee earned by the company. For example, if the P/E of a company is 15 then it means that the market is willing to pay Rs.15 as market price for every earned by the company in the form of EPS. P/E keeps changing over time. For example, when the growth prospects of a company improve or when its ROE improves, the P/E of the company is automatically upgraded. But what do you do in case of loss making companies?
Obviously, the P/E will be negative but that is not practical as nobody can pay negative for a stock as the minimum value of any company has to be above zero. The point is that P/E will not be applicable in such cases. The other option is to use EV/EBITDA, which is quite common among capital intensive companies and long gestation projects where it takes to generate net profits. The other option is to consider the Price/Sales ratio instead of the P/E ratio. Let us look at what is the P/S ratio and when it can be applied.
The P/S ratio is basically what the market is willing to pay for every rupee of sales generated. In case of services, one can look at revenues as a proxy for sales to calculate this ratio.
Price/Sales ratio = Market price of the stock / Full year sales per share
Alternatively it can also be expressed on a full value basis as…
Price / Sales ratio = Market cap of the company / Net sales of the company
That brings us to the next two questions; when is P/S ratio applicable and what is a good price to sales ratio? Do we have industry level benchmarks and country level benchmarks that can be applied? What should be the price to sales ratio for growth companies and what should it be for value companies? Since P/S only talks about revenues without looking at profitability, is it meaningful at all or is it just a mirage?
P/S ratio cannot be applied as agnostically as the P/E ratio can. In fact P/E can used to compare across companies, sectors and also across geographies. There are some specific conditions where the P/S ratio can be really meaningful.
Remember, when it comes to the P/S ratio, the applicability as a standalone technique is limited. But it can add value when used as an additional check point to other valuation methodologies. In specific cases like loss making companies, cyclical companies and disruptive sectors; the P/S Ratio does add analytical value!
Published on: Sep 3, 2018, 1:57 PM IST
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