Market Updates - Angel One

Energy Gives a Push to the Core Sector Numbers

Energy Gives a Push to the Core Sector Numbers

7 July 2017

The core sector numbers for the month of May 2017 were announced on June 30th. The core sector forms an important part of IIP calculation as under the new series it constitutes nearly 40.2% of the overall IIP composition. The core sector essentially consists of 8 core sectors that form the backbone of economic growth …

Why You Need to Factor GST Into Your Financial Plan?

Why You Need to Factor GST Into Your Financial Plan?

4 July 2017

“How will the GST impact your personal financial plan” surely appears to be a rather strange question? In reality, the implications of the GST for your financial plan could be much more significant that you may care to imagine at this point of time. GST is going to directly and indirectly impact your asset mix, …

Impact of GST on Inflation and on Indian Economy

Impact of GST on Inflation and on Indian Economy

1 July 2017

One of the big arguments against GST is that it tends to be inflationary by pushing up the prices of goods and services. At least, that is what the experience in countries like Australia and Malaysia was when they first implemented GST. But why exactly does that happen? One of the main reasons is that …

Is Seamless Input Credit in GST a Reality?

Is Seamless Input Credit in GST a Reality?

1 July 2017

Most discussions on GST in the last few months have focused overly on the aspect of GST rates. However, what is less discussed and perhaps equally important, is the aspect of input tax credit (ITC). To understand the concept of ITC, you need to be first clear about the fact that the GST is a …

Impact of GST on Small Scale Industries and Start-Ups

Impact of GST on Small Scale Industries and Start-Ups

1 July 2017

One of the many benefits of GST is that it is aligned to benefit small and medium sized businesses. Normally, tax proposals at a macro level tend to benefit existing and matured businesses compared to start-up businesses. But GST, in that sense, is a lot more democratic. It not only offers special privileges for small …

Key takeaways from the minutes of the MPC meeting…

Key takeaways from the minutes of the MPC meeting…

28 June 2017

On June 21st, the Monetary Policy Committee made its minutes of the monetary policy discussions public. These MPC minutes are extremely valuable as they provide an insight into the thinking of each of the members. This MPC meeting came in the aftermath of weak GDP growth numbers in the aftermath of the demonetization as well …

Forget About Fed Rates; Focus More on the Taper…

Forget About Fed Rates; Focus More on the Taper…

20 June 2017

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) on 14th June 2017 announced a 25 basis points hike in the Fed rate. This takes the overall Fed rate to the range of 100-125 basis points. There was not much of a surprise element in the decision as the CME Fed Watch Tool was already indicating a 95% …

CPI inflation at 5-year low, but will RBI bite the bullet?

CPI inflation at 5-year low, but will RBI bite the bullet?

20 June 2017

With retail inflation coming in at just 2.15%, we have touched a 5-year low on retail inflation. Low inflation has largely been driven by negative food inflation in the month of May 2017. The impact of food inflation gets more pronounced as it constitutes nearly 50% of the overall CPI inflation. The chart below captures …

The RBI has surely given rate-sensitives something to cheer about…

The RBI has surely given rate-sensitives something to cheer about…

20 June 2017

The monetary policy announced by the RBI on 07th June may have maintained status quo on rates, but there are certain distinct advantages that are implicit for the rate sensitives. When we are referring to rate sensitives here, we are restricting ourselves to banks, NBFCs and housing companies. While auto companies are also theoretically rate …

IIP finally settles in a higher post-demonetization trajectory…

IIP finally settles in a higher post-demonetization trajectory…

16 June 2017

The index of industrial production (IIP) for the month of April 2017 came in lower at 3.1% compared to 3.8% in the previous month. However, the big takeaway is that the IIP has finally moved into a new post-demonetization trajectory. The demonetization exercise that began in November 2016 had a lagged impact on the IIP …

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