Personal Finance - Angel One

Portfolio Management: Holding too Many Equity Mutual Funds?

Portfolio Management: Holding too Many Equity Mutual Funds?

3 January 2022

Over the last two years, more and more investors have bought units of equity mutual funds. Equity related schemes have received net inflows of around Rs. 72,000 crores year-to-date (YTD) as per data from AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India). However, buying too many popular and star-rated equity funds may be counterproductive for creating …

What impact did 2021 have on your financial health

What impact did 2021 have on your financial health

30 December 2021

Covid-19 continued to wreak havoc in several nations in 2021, making it a year to remember for people all across the globe. Between March and May 2021, the catastrophic second wave struck India, making it one of the worst-affected countries. Except at the end of the year, it was an exciting year for stock and …

How investors can make the most of Muhurat trading

How investors can make the most of Muhurat trading

27 October 2021

Almost every Indian understands the cultural and religious significance of Dhanteras. It is hard to miss the fact that this day is considered auspicious for buying precious metals (which today also includes cars – fair enough, an automobile is crafted mostly from metal and is typically expensive). It’s difficult to avoid this fact because shops …

Muhurat Trading:  Auspicious Start to Invest in Stock Market

Muhurat Trading: Auspicious Start to Invest in Stock Market

27 October 2021

Every Diwali, some of the other person in one’s connection talk about Muhurat Trading, don’t they? From seeing Instagram stories and WhatsApp statuses with #MuhuratTrading to overhearing some uncle talking loudly on a phone call in a sweet shop, it is a hot topic we come across at some point around Diwali time. So what is …

Your guide to Muhurat Trading this Diwali

Your guide to Muhurat Trading this Diwali

27 October 2021

If one was raised in a Hindu traditional family, he must have seen the practice of marking a new beginning at certain auspicious hours of the day. The importance behind that comes from a belief that whatever is begun at such an auspicious time brings in success. Muhurat Trading is based on the same belief and …

Smart ways to repay your home loan

Smart ways to repay your home loan

26 October 2021

Purchasing the first house is a milestone for many. That feeling of being a homeowner from your own hard-earned money is surreal. Everything seems to be on track and the future looks bright…until you’re burdened with the monthly EMIs and are unable to pay back the bank. The pandemic of 2020 led many loan takers …

Ways to protect yourself against Credit Card Breaches

Ways to protect yourself against Credit Card Breaches

26 October 2021

From shopping to trading, or ordering food, we use our credit card information on a lot of websites and portals in our daily life. With the advent of everything digital, this practice has gained even more momentum. Every single piece of data that we put online is recorded and stored. No one can fully guard …

Applying for a Personal Loan? Here’s what you should do first

Applying for a Personal Loan? Here’s what you should do first

20 October 2021

Personal loans are a great way to acquire a large sum of money in a short span and then pay it off in small monthly instalments. It may be used to pay for your dream wedding, shifting houses, expected medical bills, paying off debt, or any other personal reason. It is different from a home …

Qualitative Analysis Parameters Critical Factors to Watch

Qualitative Analysis Parameters Critical Factors to Watch

18 October 2021

It is a basic factor that we make investments for generating returns. However, finding the right instrument to attain your financial goals is also a critical task. As we usually say, Equity investment is a good way to achieve your long-term financial goals. However, the question arises, how to select a good stock if someone wants to …

Scale up your trading game with Insta Trade

Scale up your trading game with Insta Trade

4 October 2021

Traders who have been operating in the markets for some time now know, without a doubt, that speed is key when it comes to executing successful trades. Picking the correct price point and exiting at the right time means you can end the trade with profit and re-enter the stock at a lower price point. …

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