Personal Finance - Angel One

Benefits of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)

Benefits of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds)

31 August 2016

Over the last 3 decades, ETFs have gained popularity both amongst institutional as well as retail investors. The benefits of ETF investing has been realised due to it’s simplicity and lower management fees compared to mutual funds. The concept of ETFs or Exchange Traded Funds came into being in the Eighties as an alternative to …

How to Break Bad Financial Habits?

How to Break Bad Financial Habits?

25 August 2016

Identification of bad financial habits is the first step to eradicating them. Once you have identified them, take measures to break them, one at at a time. Bad financial habits are peculiar to those who face perpetual debt problems and never seem to get out of what is commonly called a “debt trap.” However, should …

How to Avoid Emotional Investing?

How to Avoid Emotional Investing?

19 August 2016

Emotional investing is dangerous, given the vagaries in the most unpredictable mood swings of the stock market. Your investments, as they say, are your best friends. They may also turn out to be your worst enemies. This is more so for stock market investors who let their hearts rule their heads. In other words, emotional …

4 Things You Should Learn From Dipa Karmakar

4 Things You Should Learn From Dipa Karmakar

17 August 2016

Dipa Karmakar has now become a household name in India. She created a massive buzz when she became the first Indian gymnast to qualify for the 2016 Olympics at Rio. Then she managed to give the entirety of India a certain sense of hope by reaching the finals in the 2016 Olympics by finishing fourth …

How to Use Moving Averages to Buy Stocks?

How to Use Moving Averages to Buy Stocks?

12 August 2016

Before we get into the application of the moving average in buying stocks, it would be prudent to define the concept first. The moving average identifies reversals and trends, measures an asset’s  momentum strength and also determines potential areas for an asset to locate resistance or support. It is seen and established that varying time …

Advantages Mobile First Investors Have Over Other Investors

Advantages Mobile First Investors Have Over Other Investors

4 August 2016

Stock Market investors and traders who use smartphones for trading have a big advantage over traditional traders who are tied to their seats in front of bulky terminals.   Mobile technology usage, needless to say, is not only the “in thing’’ but also a concept that is here to dominate the future. Statistics show that …

How to Resist the Lure of Penny Stocks?

How to Resist the Lure of Penny Stocks?

31 July 2016

They sure come cheap with the promise of making you rich fast. And to the naïve, this often makes them the most attractive stock market investment option. But recklessly investing in penny stocks could leave you penniless. Here’s why: They lure you by their impossibly cheap prices and greatly fuel your get-rich-quick dreams. However, should …

How to Read a Company’s Balance Sheet?

How to Read a Company’s Balance Sheet?

29 July 2016

It goes without saying that the experienced and prudent investor will always carefully go through a prospective company’s balance sheet before he parks his money in it. The balance sheet, however, is just a statement of the company’s assets and liabilities and the figures shown under each head need to be appropriately interpreted to arrive …

10 Tips for Successful Long-Term Investing in Share Market

10 Tips for Successful Long-Term Investing in Share Market

25 July 2016

As a long-term investor, you will have to understand that your strategies will differ from someone who is trying to make short-term gains in the market. Of course, you should not trust anything that most people say in the stock market, simply because your requirements are unique and the person giving you the tip might …

Long-Term Share Investment Tips

Long-Term Share Investment Tips

19 July 2016

The stock market is a strange place. Rules are irrelevant, because there are exceptions all the time. Nothing is permanent and it is up to you, how you want to navigate through this maze. However, there are certain rules that always stand strong and no matter what, you can follow them with your eyes closed …

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