Best AMC Mutual Schemes

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About AMC Mutual

Angel One Asset Management Company Limited (Angel One AMC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Angel One Limited and an asset manager to Angel One Mutual Fund. Angel One AMC is a passive only Fund House, as they believe passive investing democratizes access to financial markets by eliminating the guesswork of stock and portfolio manager selection. The aspiration of the company is to become investors’ North Star by empowering a billion lives through ETFs and Index Funds. Hello

Angel One Mutual Fund’s passive investment products (i.e., Index Funds and ETFs) is designed to offer clients a low-cost, transparent and accessible pathway to wealth creation. The aspiration of the company is to become investors’ North Star by empowering a billion lives through passive investing.

Core Beliefs of Angel One AMC are listed below –

  • Conviction in Passive Asset Management – Firm opinion that investor’s interest is best served through passive investments.
  • Whole (Market) is greater than the sum of its parts (Millions of Investors) – No individual can “consistently” outguess or outsmart or know more than the collective market – wisdom, insights, knowledge, and information.
  • Firm Belief in the supremacy of Market Prices – Market is a mechanism which aggregates the information, insights, data, knowledge that resides with millions of market participants and is reflected in the market price.
  • Simplicity – Index Portfolio accepts market prices and eliminates the guesswork (risks) of selecting individual stocks, fund managers, sectors, style and so on.

AMC Mutual Key Information

  • AMC information
AMC Incorporation date May 4, 2023
Headquarters in Mumbai
Name of the Sponsor Angel One Limited
Trustee organisation Angel One Trustee Company Limited
Executive Director and CEO Hemen Bhatia
Chief Investment Officer Mehul Dama
Compliance Officer Ferhana Mansoor
Investor Relation Officer Murali Ramasubramanian


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